Montessori Primary

Womb for Your Child's Self-Construction

Primary Framework

The Montessori Method is a framework designed to address the developmental needs of children during their formative years. It nurtures motor and social skills, facilitates the acquisition of fundamental abilities such as handwriting, reading, and math, and cultivates a sense of capability and confidence, inspiring a lifelong curiosity to explore the wonders of the world.

How Presidency Montessori Primary differs?

  • Fostered in a diverse environment, children aged 3 years experience collaborative learning and social interaction, enriching their development.
  • By integrating various age groups, our community promotes empathy, leadership, and peer learning, laying a strong foundation for future success.
  • Engage in a dynamic educational setting where children learn from each other’s unique perspectives, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
  • Embrace uninterrupted periods of exploration and discovery, allowing children the freedom to delve deeply into their interests and passions.
  • Guided by the child’s innate curiosity, our approach encourages self-directed learning, promoting independence, and intrinsic motivation.
  • Experience the joy of uninterrupted play and exploration, where each moment is a precious opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
  • Led by passionate educators, our team undergoes rigorous Montessori training, equipped with the expertise to nurture each child’s unique potential.
  • With dedication and compassion, our teachers serve as guides, mentors, and facilitators, fostering a supportive learning environment.
  • Benefit from the guidance of highly-trained educators committed to cultivating a love for learning and empowering children to thrive.
  • Engage with meticulously designed Montessori materials scientifically crafted to stimulate exploration, critical thinking, and sensorial development.
  • Each material is thoughtfully selected to correspond with the child’s developmental stage, fostering concrete understanding and conceptual mastery.
  • Explore a rich array of Montessori materials meticulously designed to ignite curiosity, inspire discovery, and cultivate a deep love for learning.
  • Step into a meticulously curated environment thoughtfully designed to inspire curiosity, independence, and a love for learning.
  • Every element of our environment is purposefully arranged to promote exploration, concentration, and meaningful engagement.
  • Immerse yourself in a nurturing space where every detail is crafted to support the child’s holistic development and foster a lifelong love of learning.
    • Join a reputable network of authentic Montessori schools committed to upholding the principles and practices of Maria Montessori.
    • Our chain of schools embodies the essence of Montessori education, providing a consistent standard of excellence across all campuses.
    • Experience the authenticity of Montessori education within a trusted network of schools dedicated to nurturing the potential of every child.

Presidency International Montessori Primary Curriculum:

Practical Life:

Practical Life activities instill independence, concentration, and fine motor skills through tasks like pouring, buttoning, and sweeping. These activities are designed to develop a sense of order, coordination, and responsibility in young learners. Children engage in real-life tasks that promote care for the environment, self, and others, fostering a sense of purpose and accomplishment.


Sensorial materials invite exploration of the five senses, refining perception, discrimination, and cognitive skills. Through activities like matching, sorting, and grading, children develop an acute awareness of size, shape, color, texture, and sound. Sensorial experiences lay the foundation for mathematical and language concepts, promoting abstract thinking and problem-solving abilities.


Language activities immerse children in a rich linguistic environment, nurturing vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills. Through phonetic awareness exercises, storytelling, and language games, children develop literacy with joy and confidence. The Montessori approach respects each child's pace of language acquisition, fostering a love for reading, writing, and communication.


Mathematics materials introduce abstract concepts concretely, enabling children to explore number, quantity, and operations with ease. Through hands-on manipulatives and sequential activities, children grasp mathematical concepts intuitively. The Montessori math curriculum progresses from the concrete to the abstract, fostering a deep understanding of mathematical principles.

Cultural Studies:

Cultural Studies encompass diverse subjects such as history, science, and geography, fostering global awareness and appreciation. Children explore the wonders of the natural world, learn about different cultures, and develop respect for cultural diversity. Cultural Studies instill a sense of wonder, curiosity, and stewardship for the planet, nurturing future global citizens.


Geography activities introduce children to the world's continents, landforms, and cultures, fostering a sense of interconnectedness. Through maps, globes, and exploration of natural features, children develop spatial awareness and a love for geography. Geography studies inspire curiosity about the world, promoting empathy, environmental awareness, and a global perspective.

Arts and Crafts:

Arts and Crafts activities encourage self-expression, creativity, and fine motor skills development. Children explore various art mediums, techniques, and cultural traditions, fostering appreciation for aesthetic beauty. Artistic endeavors promote self-confidence, imagination, and a sense of accomplishment in young learners.

Sports & Play:

Sports and Play activities promote physical fitness, coordination, and teamwork skills in a supportive and inclusive environment. Through outdoor play, games, and structured physical activities, children develop gross motor skills and spatial awareness. Sports and Play foster a love for movement, social interaction, and healthy living habits in young learners.

Teaching Approach

Self-Education in a Prepared Environment

In our "prepared environment,"

 spacious classrooms feature low open shelves displaying a range of educational materials. These self-correcting materials, crafted from various materials, empower children to independently gauge their progress, fostering a natural and self-reinforcing learning experience.

Montessori directresses

Montessori directresses facilitate students’ exploration of the prepared environment, adeptly observing individual needs and guiding developmentally appropriate activities while fostering language acquisition and social skills in a nurturing atmosphere.

In our full-day program

In our full-day program, two extended work periods allow children to independently select activities from shelves, work at chosen spaces, and engage with materials at their own pace, fostering autonomy and self-directed learning in a structured yet flexible environment.

Key Areas of Development

Life Skills & Social Skills builds Independence & Self-Esteem

Fostering Concentration and Independent Learning

In Montessori education, learning is a self-directed journey where the child is the teacher, guided by adults. The emphasis is on nurturing concentration skills through engaging, repetitive activities that the child enjoys, fostering problem-solving abilities and a sense of independence. 

Mastering Practical Life Skills

In Montessori primary schools, practical life exercises cultivate children’s independence and environmental care. Through step-by-step guidance and repetition, children learn essential tasks like dressing, food preparation, and pouring water, fostering mastery and confidence in daily life skills. 

Fostering Independence and Confidence

In Montessori classrooms, children develop a sense of pride and self-esteem through acquiring new skills independently. By mastering tasks and viewing effort positively, children become eager learners who seek out fostering intellectual growth  in a supportive environment. 

Cultivating Mature Social Skills

In Montessori classrooms, children learn to respect each other and practice grace and courtesy in their interactions. Social engagements are voluntary, allowing children to choose whether to work independently or collaboratively, fostering a benevolent and civilized environment where conflicts are addressed amicably under the guidance of teachers. 

Foundation of Literacy and Numeracy

In Montessori education, older children learn handwriting and reading through sequential activities like sandpaper letters and sound games, fostering phonetic awareness. Additionally, they naturally grasp numerical concepts through daily encounters and explore various math materials to enhance their understanding and skills.

Proficient Academic Achievements

Upon completing their third year in our primary class, children typically demonstrate proficiency in reading full books, writing sentences, and mastering arithmetic operations up to thousands, ensuring readiness for rigorous elementary curriculum.

AMI 3-6 Orientation cum Assistants Adjunct Certificate Course

Under the auspices of the
Association Montessori Internationale (The Netherlands)
Is offering an
AMI 3-6 Orientation cum Assistants Adjunct Course

Orientation Course – Suitable for parents, teachers,
administrators, caregivers and anyone else interested in
understanding and supporting the development of 3-6 year old
Assistants Adjunct Course – Those who have completed the AMI
Primary Orientation Course are eligible. Completion of this course
enables individuals to work as an Assistant in a 3-6 Montessori

Dates of Orientation Course:
10th April to 22nd April 2024
Dates of Assistants Adjunct Course:
23rd April to 30th April 2024